bits + bites

100+ Cocktail Captions for Instagram

Looking for the perfect cocktail captions to accompany all your happy hour festivities? Here are 100+ cocktail captions and quotes you can use to create the best Instagram post.

Cocktail captions for Instagram

1. But first, cocktails. 2. Why limit happy to an hour? 3. I always make time for cocktails. 4. I prefer my espresso in a martini. 5. Happy hour is the best hour 6. A cocktail a day keeps the worries away. 7. Make happy hour last all day. 8. Hit me with your best shot. 9. Save water, drink cocktails. 10. Always say yes to cocktails.

Cocktail Quotes for Instagram

1. “If you like piña coladas, and getting caught in the rain…” – Rupert Holmes, Escape 2. “Here’s to alcohol, the rose-colored glasses of life.” –  F. Scott Fitzgerald 3. “Work is the curse of the drinking class.” – Oscar Wilde 4. “Why limit happy to an hour?” – W.C Fields 5. “Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.” — Frank Sinatra

Funny Drinking Captions for Instagram

1. I have mixed drinks about feelings. 2. Hydrate responsibly. 3. I’m in need of liquid therapy. 4. No working during drinking hours. 5. It’s strange how eight glasses of water a day seems impossible. But eight cocktails doesn’t. 6. Trust me, you can dance – Vodka 7. Save water, drink cocktails. 8. Cocktails are not the answer. Cocktails are the Question. Yes is the answer. 9. Take life with a grain of salt, a slice of lime, and a shot of tequila. 10. A party without cocktails is just a meeting.

Captions to Post for Drinking With Friends

1. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, point us to the nearest bar. 2. Happy hour vibes. 3. Girls just wanna have cocktails. 4. The best cocktails are the ones we drink with friends. 5. Sip, sip hooray! 6. Friends don’t let friends go thirsty. 7. First drink, then let’s think about it. 8. Drink happy thoughts. 9. Drink responsibly – Don’t spill any. 10. All good stories start with cocktails. 11. Time flies when you are having a cocktail. 12. Tonight’s forecast? A 99% chance of cocktails.

100+ Cocktail Captions for Instagram