bits + bites

Strawberry Mint Mojito Recipe

Katie Kelly

A mojito recipe with no simple syrup?

It’s so easy to make. With no simple syrup required, this homemade mojito recipe is so easy to make whenever you're craving one!

What is a strawberry mojito made of?

Fresh Strawberries - If for any reason you don't have fresh strawberries, you can use frozen strawberries that have been thawed. Fresh Mint - I highly recommend only using fresh mint leaves for this recipe. Fresh Lime Juice - You can use artificial lime juice, but I don't love how that tastes. So, for my personal preference, I recommend using fresh limes. If you want to get the most juice out of your limes, you can microwave them! Strawberry Juice - Now this might seem impossible to find, but you can easily find sparkling strawberry juice or flat strawberry juice. If you don't use, or if you can't find, a sparkling strawberry juice, be sure to use a dash of club soda to get that fizz. Light Rum - I use Cruzan Light Rum, it adds that perfect rum flavor without being overpowering and overshadowing the flavor of the strawberry and mint

How do you make a mojito without simple syrup?

1. Muddle your strawberries, mint leaves and fresh lime together. 2. Add your 2 oz. of rum and ice. 3. Top with your sparkling strawberry juice. 4. Garnish with a strawberry and enjoy!

Strawberry mojito pitcher recipe

If you're looking to make this for a crowd, here's how you would transfer this recipe. These measurements are based on a 64 oz. pitcher, therefore it would make around 8 cocktails. 1. Muddle 1 lb of strawberries, 16 mint leaves and the juice of 4 limes. 2. Add in 16 oz. of rum and top with 48 oz. of sparkling strawberry juice. 3. Add in non-melting ice cubes to ensure your cocktail will stay cold, but won't be watered down. 4. As you are ready to serve, pour the strawberry mojito into a glass over ice. Regular ice is just fine here. 5. Now, if you are making this in advance, do not add the sparkling strawberry juice as you do not want it to fall flat prior to serving.

Tips for making the best homemade mojito...


Stamp and twist when it comes to muddling. Fresh herbs are very delicate and to avoid them turning bitter, you don't want to pound down when muddling. You want to press down and twist to get the most flavor out. Use fresh strawberries, mint and lime. Truly nothing beats the flavor of fresh produce, to get the best homemade strawberry mint mojito recipe, I recommend using fresh ingredients.

strawberry mint mojito recipe